General Membership Form

    Applicant Information

    Company Details

    Maritial Status


    Company Details

    TrainingMicrofinanceFund RaisingInstitutional DevelopmentPublicationEvents and activities

    Membership Type

    General MemberLife MemberAssociate Member

    Termination Of Membership

    1. Membership shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:
      1. Resignation in writing, after being accepted by the Executive Board.
      2. If it is legally proven that a member does anything against the interested of the organization
    2. The Governing Body shall have the power to terminate the membership of any individual or institution after passing a resolution to that effect by two-third majority of the members present and voting at a Governing Body meeting.

    Additional Required Documents For Application

    1. Registration of The Business
    2. Copy of their Citizenship
    3. Three Passport Sized Photos

    Membership Fee

    1. Registration Fee: Rs. 500
    2. Annual Fee: Rs.2000(General Member)
    3. One Time Fee: Rs.20000(For Life Members only)